Friday, April 20, 2012


Got the news from Joe yesterday that the property is OFFICIALY OURS!!

Why aren't there icons available husband was playing Texas Hold em at La Luna last night when I got the news...I did a dance of joy not see by anyone thank god!

Told hubby when he got home...WE ARE SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!

NOW, onto the BUILD!

Went to the beach early yesterday and then stopped at Minino's for some food...OMG the Best ever Coconut shrimp!  Also caught the local fisherman cleaning their catch and they brought two huge red snappers into the restaurant...doesn't get fresher than that!

Going home is not so bad now....


  1. Congratulations Leslie and Graham, you ARE living the dream!! By the way that coconut shrimp looks amazing, a must try in June.

    1. Thanks Jane! Omg we are soooooo excited, it actually makes going home easier. Our guy Joe Mendez at Pearl he is really making this all happen for us! Can't wait for Xmas now! Leslie
